Sales, CRM and Quotations

Nkosikhona Carlos

Last Update un anno fa

To manage your business better, you need a proper flow of orders

On your top menu click on Sales

This module allows you to manage Customers, Set Sales targets, set sales

teams, manage sales and deals Pipe line, convert Quotes to Sales Orders >

Invoices and More.

1. To Create a Quotation

1 . Left Menu: Quotations

2. Create

3. Select “Create or Create and Edit” a Customer if you are create

4. Add Line items: Select, create new Products, Add Quantities, Set

Pricing and Also adding discounts in a single-line

5. When done - Update

6. Click on Save / Print or Send by Email - Needs Setup

7. To Convert to a Sales Order, click on “Confirm Order”

You will not be able to create a sales order as sales orders can only be converted from a quotation.


ERP has a nice feature that allows you to set your deals.

To set create and manage pipelines

1. Go to Sales (Top Menu)

2. Go to My pipeline

3. Create (To create a new pipeline)

4. That’s it

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