Configuring outgoing Email Server

Nkosikhona Carlos

Last Update há 3 anos

There are many reasons why one would need to have an email server setup, the main reasons is for one to be able to send quotations, invoices, meeting updates and order updates directly from the Accounting software.

This reduces time and resources and also limits the human error factor.

To setup an outgoing email server you need to follow these steps.

1. Navigate to Settings

2. Go to General Settings

3. Click on "Configure Outgoing Mail Server" 

4. You may choose to edit a current setting or create a new setting

i.  Name: Give this setting a name (Prys Emails)

ii. Priority: 1-100 (If you have different email servers, prys will try them in the priority order from 1 to 100.

ii. Mail Server: smtp address (

ii: Port: SMTP Port (25)

iv: Username: (As provided by your email service provider)

v: Password: (As provided by your email service provider)

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