Backing up your Database

Nkosikhona Carlos

Last Update 2 jaar geleden

They always say information is king, of course, most of us do not understand that until we have lost our data.

Do not fall victim to business data loss; today we will show you how to back up your database.

If you are using Prys Accounting Offline packages which means Trader and PointofSale, it is essential to back up your software database at least once a week.

Please see the tutorial below:

Step 1:

If you are logged in to the software kindly log out, you will be directed to the welcome screen or login screen.

Step 2:

On the login screen, click on Manage Databases

If "Manage databases" is not visible you may use the link http://localhost:8069/web/database/manager/ from your server computer.

Step 3:

Click on BackUp against your Database

If you have a master password setup, you will be requested to enter your master password.

Step 4:

A dialogue or pop-up will open on your computer, select backup as a zip and kindly click on Back Up and wait for a few until the database has been fully downloaded before taking any action.

Step 5:

Copy the zip folder to your back drive or cloud backup folder.

For Cloud Users due to security reasons, Master passwords are generated by our support system, to request your master password please email [email protected].

To Restore a Database

Step 1:

If you are logged in to the software kindly log out, you will be directed to the welcome screen or login screen.

Step 2:

On the login screen, click on Manage Databases

If "Manage databases" is not visible you may use the link http://localhost:8069/web/database/manager/ from your server computer.

Step 3:

Click on restore a database

Select the ZIP Folder you have previously backed up, and name your new database.

Step 4:

Click on restore a database, and wait for the process to complete.

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