Point of Sale Operation

Nkosikhona Carlos

Last Update há 3 anos

Point of Sale is one of the most used features on Prys Accounting, so lets look at how we get the most out of it.

Please note custom integrations and configuration is not covered on this topic.

Starting a Day

  1. First you will need to navigate to Point of Sale on your main menu (Top)
  2. Then the next step is to make sure all the sessions from the previous day are closed, this we do by clicking on *Sessions* on your left. Check for all session that do not have "Closed and Posted" as a status.
  3. Open the session you need to close, depending on its status you will need to follow these steps: Click on End of Session and Set Closing Balance. Setting the closing balance is useful for accounting as negative balances are posted as losses and positive balances are posted as profit. Once the Ending Balance is set you may now "Validate Closing and Post Entries
  4. Go back to Point of Sale at the top when done with the sessions.
  5. Click on New Session.
  6. Now Set your Opening balance to tell the system how much you starting with for the day and click on Confirm when done
  7. Click on Open Session.
  8. Click on Continue Selling and wait for the screen to load.

Selling on POS

Point of Sale allows multiple different features like table management and bill/order printing for restaurants, we will cover the basics here.

To sell an item you may use one of 4 different ways:

  1. Scan the Barcode of the item
  2. Search for the product you wish to sell using the search bar on your left
  3. Select the item with you mouse or by touching it if you use a touch screen
  4. Select Different categories leading to the product

When you have selected the item you wish to sell, click on Payment and select the payment Method

End of Day Cash Up

It is recommended that you close you POS Sessions on a daily basis.

To do an end of day you need to close the POS session, by clicking on Close then Confirm.

Now Click on Close.

You will now need to enter your ending balance, that means all the money in your till drawer including the float you started with.

Then Confirm when done.

If you happy with everything click on Validate Closing and Post Entries. 

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