Add Stock Items or Products
Nkosikhona Carlos
Last Update hace un año

Module for managing stock and products, you may create warehouses based on stock locations To manage Add, delete, and Edit Products
1. Main Menu: Inventory
2. Left Menu: Products
3. Click Create to Add or Select Product and Click Edit
4. Type in Product Name
5. Select the Product type
· Stackable product - For all Stock that can be counted
· Consumable - Anything that gets used within the shop ( No Stock Control)
· Services - Service Products like repairs, etc.
6. Type in the Sale price
7. Type in your last known cost price
8. Go to Sales Tab (General information | Inventory | Sales | Variants | Accounting ...)
9. Select Point Of Sale Category or Create and other features
10. Variants (On Variants Tab)
· If you have a product that has variants day a shoe that has different sizes, create them here. Attribute will be the defining factor (i.e: Size), then values will be your different Values Available i.e Size 2, Size 3, etc.
11. Click Save