Capturing Purchases (GRV) and Supplier Management

Nkosikhona Carlos

Last Update 3 ปีที่แล้ว

To manage suppliers one needs to Navigate to Purchases 

Capture an Invoice from a Supplier

  1. Click on Purchase Orders
  2. Click on Create
  3. Select your Vendor (Supplier)
  4. Set the PO Date - you may backdate if necessary
  5. Vendor Reference : Supplier invoice or reference number
  6. Now Under the Products Tab, click on Add an item - Select the product you need to receive, 
  7. Enter Quantity and also edit the price to enter your cost price (VAT or Tax settings will depend on your setup)
  8. Click on Add an Item for every line item you need and repeat step 7.
  9. When done with line items, click on Confirm Order
  10. Click on Receive Products
  11. Click on Validate at the Top to Complete the Product Receiving
  12. Now an Apply Dialog Box may appear on your screen, when it does click on Apply
  13. When applied your stock will automatically be moved  to increase your current quantity.
  14. Go back to your purchase order and continue to create a Vendor Bill.
  15. Click on Vendor Bills
  16. Create
  17. Edit the Date and Due date if necessary
  18. Enter your Invoice number on reference again.
  19. Confirm if the amounts are right as per received invoice.
  20. Click on Validate.
  21. If Payment has been made for this invoice you may register payment

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