Capturing Purchases (GRV) and Supplier Management
Nkosikhona Carlos
Last Update 3 ปีที่แล้ว

To manage suppliers one needs to Navigate to Purchases
Capture an Invoice from a Supplier
- Click on Purchase Orders
- Click on Create
- Select your Vendor (Supplier)
- Set the PO Date - you may backdate if necessary
- Vendor Reference : Supplier invoice or reference number
- Now Under the Products Tab, click on Add an item - Select the product you need to receive,
- Enter Quantity and also edit the price to enter your cost price (VAT or Tax settings will depend on your setup)
- Click on Add an Item for every line item you need and repeat step 7.
- When done with line items, click on Confirm Order
- Click on Receive Products
- Click on Validate at the Top to Complete the Product Receiving
- Now an Apply Dialog Box may appear on your screen, when it does click on Apply
- When applied your stock will automatically be moved to increase your current quantity.
- Go back to your purchase order and continue to create a Vendor Bill.
- Click on Vendor Bills
- Create
- Edit the Date and Due date if necessary
- Enter your Invoice number on reference again.
- Confirm if the amounts are right as per received invoice.
- Click on Validate.
- If Payment has been made for this invoice you may register payment